Julian Daniel

Julian is the co-author of “How To Dump Your Girlfriend”, a tongue in cheek book about ending relationships. He does live readings across the country at literature and comedy festivals. He’s also a regular compere of shows; his credits include “The Wordsmith Awards” and “The Superheroes of Slam Poetry”. In addition to this Julian writes and performs his own poetry, does stand up comedy, is a workshop facilitator, a regular guest on BBC Radio Manchester and has two blogs.
Comedy And Poetry.
Publications & Performance History
How to Dump Your Girlfriend A couple of poetry anthologies Agony Uncle in DXN Magazine Julian has performed all over the country. His credits include, Southbank Centre, London, alongside Lemn Sissay and the Royal Exchange, Manchester. Julian has also had some of his poems animated, including “If I were…” by Tamzin Forster. This film has gone on to appear in Film festivals in India and Canada.
Workshop & Reading Experience
Julian has facilitated poetry workshops in schools, colleges, prisons and for older adults. In addition to the poetry workshops, Julian also delivers talks in schools.
CRB checked. Known to Commonword and Speakeasy
Group size preference
Group age preference
Mainly year 5s up
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
Will travel, but reliant on public transport
Other information