Carole McEntee-Taylor

I am the author of several military history books published by Pen and Sword with net royalties donated to military charities or towards memorials. I am also a partner in Military Lives which specialises in military biographies and village and town heritage books. ( To pay the bills I write historical fiction and these are published by GWL Publishing. I worked for several years in the Military Corrective Training Centre in Colchester as a Housing Officer and I am now a Trustee of Help4Homeless Veterans, a charity based in Barnsely.
Historical Fiction and Non Fiction
Publications & Performance History
Fiction: Lives Apart: A WW2 Chronicle (series of 5 novels). Betrayed Obsession (Series of 5 novels)
Non Fiction: Herbert Columbine VC A Battle Too Far Surviving the Nazi Onslaught The Battle of Bellewaarde June 1915 Military Detention Colchester from 1947 From Colonial Warrior to Western Front Flyer Harold Sutton MM Garthorpe and Fockerby at War
Workshop & Reading Experience
I have only done a couple of book talks but do attend events regularly where I talk to people on an individual basis. Whilst working at the Military Corrective Training Centre I used to deliver a talk each week to new admissions about housing so I am used to speaking to large groups although I am a little out of practice.
I don’t have any references for talking about my books yet but as I worked with vulnerable people in the Military Corrective Training Centre I had both security and DBS clearance.
Group size preference
No preference although I live in North Lincolnshire so would prefer a larger group rather than one or two people.
Group age preference
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
Happy to consider anything.