Grevel Lindrop

Grevel Lindrop


Grevel Lindop has published five successful books of poetry and  won First Prize in the 2005 Poetry London Competition. He has given successful and highly-praised readings, talks and workshops for nearly thirty years. His Literary Guide to the Lake District won the Lakeland Book of the Year award and is regarded as a classic. He writes frequently for TLS, PN Review, Poetry London, London Magazine and many other periodicals. In the 1960s he edited Carcanet magazine with Michael Schmidt; in the 1990s he helped the late Kathleen Raine to edit Temenos, and later took over as Editor. He chaired the judges of the Keats-Shelley Millennium Poetry and Fiction Awards. Born in LIverpool, he now lives in Manchester, where he works as a freelance writer. Favourite subjects include: poetry and landscape/environment; poetry and the spiritual; poetry and love/the erotic. But anything considered!




Poetry, Short Story, Lakeland Writing And Landscape


Publications & Performance History

# Poetry: Fools Paradise (Carcanet Press 1977) Tourists (Carcanet Press, 1987) A Prismatic Toy (Carcanet Press, 1991) Selected Poems (Carcanet Press, 2000) Playing with Fire (Carcanet Press, 2006) # Prose: The Opium-Eater: A Life of Thomas De Quincey (Weidenfeld 1993) The Path and the Palace: Reflections on the Nature of Poetry (Temenos Academy, 1996) A Literary Guide to the Lake District (Sigma Leisure 2005) # As Editor: British Poetry Since 1960 (with Michael Schmidt; Carcanet Press, 1972) Thomas Chatterton: Selected Poems (Carcanet/Routledge 2003) Thomas De Quincey: Confessions and Other Writings (Oxford World’s Classics, 1985) The Works of Thomas De Quincey (21 vols, Pickering and Chatto, 2000-03) Robert Graves: The White Goddess (Faber 1999) Graves and the Goddess (with Ian Firla; Susquehanna University Press, 2003)

Workshop & Reading Experience

Voice Box (Royal Festival Hall) Arvon Foundation (Totleigh Barton) Wordsworth Trust (Grasmere) Libraries, universities, poetry societies, art galleries, churches, schools, whatever – since 1977.


Group size preference


Group age preference

Adult or sixth form

Working languages


Area prepared to travel

Anywhere (if fare paid!)

Other information

Favourite subjects for workshops or talks include: poetry and landscape/environment; poetry and the spiritual; poetry and love/the erotic. But anything considered!