Yasir Hayat

From an early age I developed a strange affinity for poetry after hearing Edgar Allen Poe’s famous poem “The Raven”. Immediately I tried writing my own, I was fascinated by words in rhyme and their meaning. My mind was set ablaze by ideas and thoughts, unfortunately I wasn�t able to annunciate or project those ideas and thoughts in a manner synonymous with poetry. My love for the craft kept me writing along with the countless praises I got off friends who read my work As my studies progressed into college the desire to write took a different form. I began writing short stories in times of inactivity to pass the time. My poetry had become better but not to the point where I could be featured in a magazine or make any publicity from it. I continued writing poetry and expanding to stories.
Once my studies progressed to university my writings had developed a mind of their own. I carried on with poetry but created my book Memoirs of the Damned from the short stories I had written in college. I attended writing workshops in my spare time and began taking part in poetry festivals. I met Shamshad Khan, an amazing poet, at the Manchester Literature Festival, she referred me to Zahid Hussain. Both of these wonderful individuals have helped me with my writing. Now that my studies are over my primary focus is to become an established author. I cannot ignore poetry as it is the keystone of my writing desire but I am considering expansion into playwriting too. I am looking forward to becoming a prominent part of the literary community and I am excited about what the future holds for me. I have simply this message to give, In the quietened soul we hold a resolve That many a time we find dissolves Pursuit is the mother of gains And love can help subdue any pain
Horror, Romance, YA, Poetry, Fantasy
Publications & Performance History
Horror novel – memoirs of the damned (published)
Various poems (unpublished)
Workshop & Reading Experience
Group size preference
Group age preference
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
Other information
Available only on weekends.