Charlotte Peters Rock

Born – Birmingham, England – 9th December, 1945. Followed a number of occupations before beginning to write – and then perform – about 20 years ago. Computer literate and able to design and update own web sites. WRITING Writes and performs poetry, poem-stories and song – based on many divergent subjects and around local and world history from the present to the distant past. Songs mainly based on Old and New English Folk song tradition. Leading to invitations to: 1. create original writing around chosen historical subjects and places 2. initiate writing by others, of all ages and abilities 3. perform, before children, teachers, mixed-age audiences and international guests 4. teach the art of performance, to both children and adults 5. lead performances before teaching staff, museum staff and managers, Civic Dignitaries, and the press 6. design and exhibit her work in many venues, both as Framed Exhibitions and Poetry Explosions 7. initiate design and display by students, of their own work 8. design and mount displays of her students’ work 9. promote and organise poetry events alone or with colleagues 10. work on Committees which organise literary and music events 11. write on The Art of Poetry in arts magazines 12. perform poetry and songs on local and regional radio
Poetry – World History – Song
Publications & Performance History
SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS OF MY POETRY, AT PUBLIC EVENTS ACROSS VARIOUS TOWNS AND CITIEs- too many to list here – usually consisting of a range of 6 – 32 different poems – chosen – and sometimes written – especially for public display at each particular festival. By agreement with owners of Public Buildings, prominent Shop Windows, Cafes, Information Centres, Arts Centres etc. my poems were displayed where the general public could read them, for at least one month at a time.
2004 1. Victorian Extravaganza, Llandudno – Performence 2. Chester Folk Festival – organisation and performance 3. October – Knutsford Literature Festival – organisation, publicity/ web site and performance 2005 1. Victorian Extravaganza, Llandudno – Performence 2. Chester Folk Festival – organisation and performance 3. October – Knutsford Literature Festival – organisation, publicity/ web site and performance 2006 1. Victorian Extravaganza, Llandudno – Performence 2. Chester Folk Festival – organisation and performance 3. October – Knutsford Literature Festival – organisation, publicity/ web site and performance 2007 1. Victorian Extravaganza, Llandudno – Performence 2. Chester Folk Festival – organisation and performance 3. October – Knutsford Literature Festival – organisation, publicity/web site and performance
FOLK PERFORMANCES During these years I have performed at poetry and folk venues, right across the North of England and Wales.
BROADCASTING By request, on local and regional radio in various parts of England, on numerous occasions during the past few years.
PUBLISHED IN POETRY PUBLICATIONS – 1. Tandem; 2. Psychopathic – Hull University; 3. Poetry and Audience – English Department, Leeds University; 4. Poetry Manchester; 5. South Magazine, 6. Current Concerns 7. Manchester Evening News – and numerous others Some of my PUBLISHED WORKS – Manatee Press (book & cassette) Along the Silk Route Celts, Romans & Vikings American Time Slip Marianne’s Treasure Trove Living in the World (CDs- mainly folk song) Flying Free Wales The Brave – The Lifeboatmen of North Wales (series) COMMITTEES ON WHICH I HAVE WORKED 1997/8 – Buxton Festival Fringe 1999/2000 – Llandudno Festival Fringe 2000/? – Chester Folk Festival 2001/? – Knutsford Literature Festival