June McRea
After a long and enjoyable career in finance, June started writing after leaving full-time work to care for her elderly parents. June has always enjoyed holidays abroad and has visited the south of France several times.
Her first novel, “Seasons of Change”, tells the stories of four women undertaking a trip to the south of France to celebrate three of them reaching the age of forty.
Writing her own book was always one of June’s long-term dreams and although only self-published as an e book she has now also completed the sequel “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”
Update in progress
Contemporary fiction/chick litmance History
Seasons of Change (ebook) One Step Forward, Two Steps Back ( ebook)
Workshop & Reading Experience
None as yet – hoping to get an opportunity to experience this.
Group size preference
small-to medium
Group age preference
No pref
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
Warrington + 20 miles radius
Other information
I would like the opportunity to meet reading groups and other authors and share experiences