Deborah Swift

Historical fiction was a natural choice for me as a writer because I always enjoyed the research aspect of design, not to mention the attraction of boned bodices and the excuse to visit old and interesting buildings. My talks on my writing usually include research materials. I live in glorious countryside close to the Lake District and divide my time between teaching and writing. My debut novel The Lady’s Slipper was short-listed for the Impress Prize for fiction.
Historical Fiction
Publications & Performance History
The Lady’s Slipper The Gilded Lily A Divided Inheritance Shadow on the Highway (coming soon)
Workshop & Reading Experience
Experienced tutor in Adult Education, MA in Creative Writing. Have done numerous talks for Cumbria Libraries and Lancashire Libraries.
Helen Towers, Cumbria Libraries
Group size preference
Group age preference
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
North West
Other information
My particular areas of historical expertise are Jacobean – the Gunpowder Plot era, the Stuarts – Restoration, Great Fire, The Plague etc, and WWII, though I have a broad knowledge of other historical periods.