Ian Seed

I work as a freelance writer and consultant, teach part-time at the University of Cumbria and Lancaster Adult College and edit the online poetry magazine, Shadowtrain.
Publications & Performance History
Anonymous Intruder my first full-length collection of poems was published by Shearsman Books in 2009 My poetry, fiction, reviews and translations (from Polish, French and Italian) have appeared in many magazines and anthologies, such as Flax Books (Lancaster Litfest) PN Review
Workshop & Reading Experience
I have read at various events throughout the country including Swedenborg Hall, London to launch my book, and at the Duke’s Theatre Lancaster as part of Litfest. I have run workshops in a wide variety of settings: colleges, community centres, hospitals, libraries, museums, prisons, schools
Available on request
Group age preference
Working languages
English, French, Italian, Polish
Area prepared to travel