Clive Ashman

Clive Ashman


The foreword to his first novel, ‘MOSAIC’,summarises the Cumbrian author, Clive Ashman, as “artist, writer, motor mechanic and qualified lawyer” – varied backgrounds shaping unique novels described in more detail below. 

Each based in both Roman Britain and a modern era, the publication of  MOSAIC in 2008 marked the 60th anniversary of a mysterious, true-life ‘heritage crime’ which Clive rediscovered years later while a regular courtroom lawyer.

Drew on the same skills which make him an absorbing, approachable public speaker for book groups and reader events.

Recently reworked as an ebook (2014) to incorporate the latest archaeological discoveries & continuing feedback from local eye-witnesses, MOSAIC also has a sequel in the form of TWO-EIGHT-SIX  launched in 2012 as a paperback.

Clive is currently working on a third novel unrelated to his earlier books. Though contemporary in scope, it does once again draw on the rich Roman heritage of his beloved North Country.



Historical fiction

Publications & Performance History

MOSAIC (paperback – 1st edn.) Voreda Books 2008 (in print)

TWO-EIGHT-SIX  (paperback) Voreda Books 2012 (in print)

MOSAIC (e-book – 2nd edition) Voreda Books 2014 (Amazon)

Workshop & Reading Experience

Please see ‘Events’ page of Voreda Books website for a sample of events recently presented:


Sarah Hutchinson, Senior Librarian, Bridlington Central Library, King St., Bridlington. E.Yorks. YO15 2DF (01262) 759203 or 672917

 Jessica Thewliss, Brough Library, Petuaria Centre, Brough-on-Humber. E.Yorks. (01482) 392765

 Joan Venus-Evans, BBC Radio Humberside (01482) 323232

Group size preference

Any Number

Group age preference

Adult and Young Adult

Working languages


Area prepared to travel

Cumbria, Lancashire, Northumberland, Durham, Yorkshire & Scottish Borders. (London & other areas subject to availability).

Other information

First released in 2008 by Voreda Books as a paperback, MOSAIC marked the 60th anniversary of the mysterious, true-life ‘heritage crime’ from 1948 it’s closely based on. drawing of mosaic charactersThat still-unsolved crime Clive rediscovered years later practising as a criminal lawyer. His ‘enthralling’ (to quote one reader-review….) ‘MOSAIC’ weaves two distinct narratives: first about a Roman pavement found in wartime East Yorkshire, England, 1941; then a police investigation into its baffling overnight-theft, seven years later. Plus a second, parallel strand about what might have happened (c.337 AD) to the Roman villa the floor in question came from.

A sequel released in 2012, ‘TWO-EIGHT-SIX’, is also a prequel. One starting in 1957 Italy, with scenes from a famous road-race, the Mille Miglia; one whose modern recreation we find two Newcastle lawyers (Michael Tryton & William Cariss) later competing in. Racing in a period car they nickname ‘Xenobia’, both men are mysteriously drawn back to the same places/crimes as in ‘MOSAIC’.

 Readers wanting more can visit the Voreda Books website for photographs of objects & locations described.  With its paperback 1st edition almost sold-out, latest news on Amazon (September 2014) is the release of Clive’s ‘MOSAIC’ in kindle format – its revised and updated 2nd edition.

Whichever format readers choose, these are fascinating and original, beautifully-produced books.