Charlotte Gringras

Charlotte Gringras


BA in English and Languages, an MA in Jewish Studies, both from Manchester University. Qualified teacher,ages 7-16. Later, Interfaith Educator, and on Sacre (Standing Advisory Committee for religious education) in both Bolton and Trafford. Have taught English and creative writing to all ages.

Began writing seriously after my MA in 2001, both poetry and prose, culminating in two novels, 2012 and 2015 Also write pieces for The Altrincham Messenger.





Novels: Contemporary fiction


Publications & Performance History

Novels : ‘The Purple Rose’, 2012 and ‘Not in My Hands’ 2015 Poems, many and various (40 in all) in many poetry magazines including ‘Best of Manchester Poets’., The Colour of Poetry’ by Womanswrite Manchester, Writers North West, a food anthology by Commonword, many poems in ‘Never Bury Poetry’, One shortlisted by Mslexia.

Performed poetry at the launch of all or any of the above publications, including also Black Cats Poetry readings at Thackeray’s Bookshop


Workshop & Reading Experience

Have given readings and talks to at least 50 groups of various kinds, in and around the North West including some literature festivals for example Liverpool’s WoW Fest and at the Northwich Lit Fest.

Whilst I do talk about the way in which my writing takes shape, although I have not, as yet given a writing workshop as such but would really love to do so. It would combine everything I like to do: Writing and encouraging others to do the same.



Susanna Watson, Reading and Learning development Manager at Trafford Libraries :

Margaret Williams of Thackerays Bookshop, Denton,who sold my novels and runs Black Cats poets

David Holmes, Chair of a social group to whom I spoke and read:


Group size preference

If it’s a talk with reading extracts and so on, anything up to 50 If it’s a writing workshop, maximum 15


Group age preference

Children from 7 upwards or adults. If children they would need to be in the same year group or maybe across no more than two.


Working languages

English, French, Italian

Area prepared to travel

In and around trafford, Cheshire or within, say, 5/8 miles of Altrincham. However if there are travel expenses available and the group were not during rush hour, I would be prepared to discuss anything.


Other information

I don’t work on Saturdays – as a Jewish person, that is my sabbath. I would be happy to work with people for whom English is not their first language and/or newly arrived refugees.