John Lindley

Born in Stockport and now living in Congleton, Cheshire,John Lindley is a freelance poet, songwriter and creative writing tutor. An experienced performer, he has read at Ledbury Poetry Festival and at the Buxton and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals. He runs workshops for festivals and in prisons, schools, universities, day care centres and for those with learning difficulties. Widely published and a prizewinner in a number of international competitions, his poetry has also been broadcast on radio. His ninth and latest collection of poems, Dylan Thomas: Embers & Sparks, was published in 2014. A CD of his songs, Wasteland, was released in March 2018 and a prizewinning new collection of poetry, Love & Crossbones, will be launched in London in June 2018. He was appointed Cheshire Poet Laureate for 2004 and Manchester Cathedral Poet of the Year in 2010.
Publications & Performance History
Stills from November Campaigns [Tarantula, 1998] Scarecrow Crimes [New Hope International, 2002] Cheshire Rising [Cheshire County Council, 2005] The Casting Boat [Headland 2009] An experienced performer, John has read at pubs, clubs, theatres and at the Buxton and Edinburgh fringe festivals. His eighth and latest collection, Screen Fever, is published by Pinewood Press. A new collection, Dylan Thomas: Embers and Sparks will be published in January 2014.
Workshop & Reading Experience
Has run creative and critical workshops on poetry for all ages and abilities, including writers’ groups, U3A groups and in universities, prisons, schools, youth clubs and day care centres. John has also run workshops for those with mental and physical disabilities. An experienced performer, he has read at Ledbury Poetry Festival and at the Buxton and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals. Widely published and a prizewinner in a number of international competitions, his poetry has also been broadcast on radio. His ninth and latest collection of poems, Dylan Thomas: Embers & Sparks, was published in 2014. A CD of his songs, Wasteland, was released in March 2018 and a prizewinning new collection of poetry, Love & Crossbones, will be launched in London in June 2018.
Alison Bowry, High Peak Community Arts, High Lee Hall, St Mary’s Road, New Mills, High Peak, SK22 3BW Tel: 01633 744516.
Simone Cobbold, Co founder and Director, Community Compass, 113 Chester Road, Malpas, Cheshire. Tel: 01606 827131 Mobile: 07944 841873
Rick Walker, Cartwheel Arts, 110 Manchester St., Heywood, Lancs., OL10 1DW. Tel: 01706 361300
HelenaReynolds, ArtsandHealthCo-ordinator, Arts Derbyshire, Cultural&CommunityServices,DerbyshireCountyCouncil,AlfretonLibrary,SevernSquare,Alfreton, Derbyshire,DE557BQ. Tel: 01773 831359.
Group size preference
Group age preference
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
Other information
John Lindley has worked on a long and varied list of projects including distance learning workshops for writers in Africa as part of the British Council funded Crossing Borders project run by Lancaster University. A visit to Kenya to run further workshops and for a public performance of his poetry followed.
Recent and current projects have included:
Work with primary and high school children to create World War 1 poems for ‘Congleton Awareness & Engagement Group’ for an anthology ‘What Price Glory?’ which I edited.
A series of workshops for Bradwell Court Day Care Centre in Congleton resulting in an anthology of the residents’ writing which I edited.
Work within high schools for East Cheshire Quakers on a project about WW1 Conscientious
Objectors which resulted in my editing an anthology, ‘Worn with Pride’.
Appointed as songwriter to write lyrics (Sarah Watts was the musician) for the musical, ‘My City, My Story’, to celebrate Milton Keynes 50th birthday.
Work on ‘Project eARTh’ for High Peak Arts – a project run in partnership with local mental health teams and High Peak CVS.