Katy Jones

I grew up near Bristol and first came to Manchester as a student of English Literature, in 1996. After graduation I went on to work with adults with learning disabilities in the Manchester area for just over two years. During this period I began to write my first novel, entitled The Freak and the Idol. This is a sort of postmodern feminist fable about two very different young women who have internalized other people’s perceptions of them, which are based primarily on how they look. The narrative voice of the novel represents the cultural expectations which oppress these central characters, and which they hear as a voice in their heads. In November 2001 I gave up my job to become a full time writer and artist. I was then able to finish and redraft my novel and approach publishers with the manuscript. ‘The Freak and the Idol’ was published by a small publisher called Bluechrome in July 2004. A second edition was published by Circaidy Gregory Press in 2010.
Since then, most of my work has been as an illustrator. I have produced cover art and interior illustrations for six children’s books to date, and several more for adults. My most recent and exciting book illustration project was for Kay Green’s story, ‘The Loveliest of all was the Froggicorn.’ This children’s picture book concerns a range of mythical beasts and the stories they share with the mysterious Ancient Teller of Stories. It was published in November 2016 and was a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards.
I am currently working on a number of ideas for picture books I hope to write and illustrate, as well as a chapter book for early readers. To find out more and to see examples of my illustration work, visit www.KatyJones.co.uk
Literary Fiction
Publications & Performance History
‘The Freak and the Idol’ published Circaidy Gregory Press, ISBN 1906451281.
“Loveliest of all was the Froggicorn” as illustrator, ISBN 9781910841358
Workshop & Reading Experience
I have experience of readings and question-and-answer sessions with an adult audience. I’ve also run art workshops for adults with learning disabilities, children and teenagers, including literacy-linked workshops for a library. I have run Froggicorn-related events at Fallowfield Library, a Primary school book club and at Manchester cathedral. I am booked to do an ‘Extraordinary Beasts’ workshop based around ‘The Loveliest of all was the Froggicorn’ at the Just So Festival 2017.