Angela Topping

Angela is a Cheshire based writer who has worked widely in the community, such as teaching Creative Writing in evening classes, undertaking many Poets in Schools placements and a residency at St. Luke’s Hospice. Angela is also an experienced Secondary school English teacher for over 16 years. She was educated at Liverpool University where she gained a BA Hons in English and Classics and a B. Phil in Victorian Studies, and Chester University where she gained an M.Ed in Arts in Education. She enjoys working with all age groups and has been widely published.
Poetry, Critical Works, Short Stories
Publications & Performance History
Solo Collections: I Sing of Bricks (chapbook forthcoming from Salt 2011) The New Generation (Salt 2010) Children’s Poetry, The Way We Came (bluechrome 2007) The Fiddle ( New and Selected Poems (Stride 1999) Dandelions for Mothers Day (Stride 1988 and 1989) Editor: The Least Thing (Stride 1989) Making Connections (Stride 1996) The Poem Man (The Windows Project 2010, joint editor and wrote foreward, for this tribute to Matt Simpson, of poetry written by children from Halewood Primary Schools) Critical Works: Focus on Spies by Michael Frayn (Greenwich Exchange 2008) Focus on The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter (Greenwich Exchange 2009) Focus on Selected Poems of John Clare (Greenwich Exchange forthcoming 2010) Educational OCR Student Book for GCSE English Literature, also Teacher’s Book and OCR Poetry Anthology Student Book, for OUP, one of four authors in each book. Poems published in Open University Poetry Course materials, Amnesty International Website, Geography textbook, Samaritans educational materials and forthcoming in AQA AS Lang/Lit B anthology for Unit 1. Regular contributor to Teachit Poems for children widely published for example: 101 Favourite Poems edited by John Foster Sensational! Edited by Roger McGough The Poetry Store, The Works, Read Me Out Loud, Read Me and Laugh, The Works 5, Unzip Your Lips and Teachers’ Pets, edited by Paul Cookson We Woz Robbed and Snoggers edited by David Orme, The Bees Knees and The Bees Sneeze edited by Gary Boswell. Poems and Reviews published in a range of magazines including: Stride, London Magazine, Honest Ulsterman, Message in a Bottle, Ink Sweat and Tears, Horizon, The Reader, Slope, Orbis, Critical Survey. And a range of anthologies including Voices for Kosovo, Frankenstein’ s Daughter, Poet’s Enland, Sounding Heaven and Earth, and, forthcoming from Salt, Troubles Swapped for Something Fresh.
Workshop & Reading Experience
Angela is an old hand at both workshops and readings, though these activities were somewhat curtailed by full time teaching, the teaching experience has strengthened the skills. Angela is now freelance again. Recent Readings: Wirral Bookfest, Lichfield Litfest, Heritage Centre (Macclesfield) Williamson Art Gallery (Birkenhead) Poets in the Library: reading & introducing with John Siddique, Peter Street, Holly Green & many others Workshops: Have worked for Windows Project and Poetry Society. 4 summer workshops for DEvelopment of the Arts in Northwich Week-long workshops at Whitby Folk Week Drama workshop on the Sinking of the Titanic (Denton LIbrary) Flash Fiction with Halton Libraries Congleton Writers Guest Workshop Sefton ARts Festival Nov 2010
Dave Ward, The Windows Project, 96 Bold St, Liverpool, L1 4HY Julie Barkway, Wirral Council, Westminster House, Hamilton Street, Wirral, CH41 5FN Vivienne Watson, National Education Trust, T 0207 702 0707 Anne Sherman, Arts Office Cheshire East T 01270 686 091
Group size preference
Group age preference
Working languages
Area prepared to travel
Other information
Angela is interested in using process drama to stimulate poetry, as well as running more conventional workshops. Also available for schools visits to deliver material for A level students.