by librarians | Nov 14, 2019 | Contemporary Fiction, Non-Fiction, Short Stories
Yvonne Battle-Felton Biography Yvonne is an American writer living in Lancaster, UK. A writer of fiction and Creative Nonfiction, her writing has been published in riverSedge, Assisi, Not Somewhere Else But Here: A Contemporary Anthology of Women and Place, Welter,...
by librarians | Nov 14, 2019 | Non-Fiction, Writers
James Carre-Rice Biography Aged 22, I was a hopeless case, serving my forth custodial sentence, 4 years for violence. However I enrolled in therapy and turned my life around completely. More than that, I realised that I had been trapped in an identity of my own...
by librarians | Nov 14, 2019 | Non-Fiction, Perfomance, Writers
Dean Cavanagh Biography Lives in the North West with his family. Started his writing career in journalism and contributed to, amongst others, The N.M.E, i-D, the Mail on Sunday, Guardian and the Melody Maker. He became a freelance creative writer in the advertising...
by librarians | Nov 14, 2019 | Biography, Music, Non-Fiction, Writers
Leslie Cavendish Biography Leslie Cavendish was born in East London and grew up in a large Jewish family in Burnt Oak, North London. He was apprenticed to Vidal Sassoon in 1962, becoming a stylist in his own right three years later. He became Paul McCartney’s...
by librarians | Nov 15, 2019 | Non-Fiction, Writers
Alan M Fildes Biography Having studied Egyptology and Ancient History for over 30 years, i specialise in the Old and Middle Kingdom Pyramid sites and their related mastaba fields. As part of my research into official titles of the Old Kingdom i am compiling a corpus...
by librarians | Nov 17, 2019 | Non-Fiction, Romantic, Short Stories, War, Writers
Michelle Green Biography I’m a British-Canadian writer and spoken word artist. I’ve performed at many festivals and live events across the UK and beyond, solo and in collaboration with other writers, musicians and visual/digital artists. I have most...