James Carre-Rice

James Carre-Rice

James Carre-Rice Biography Aged 22, I was a hopeless case, serving my forth custodial sentence, 4 years for violence. However I enrolled in therapy and turned my life around completely. More than that, I realised that I had been trapped in an identity of my own...
Dean Cavanagh

Dean Cavanagh

Dean Cavanagh Biography Lives in the North West with his family. Started his writing career in journalism and contributed to, amongst others, The N.M.E, i-D, the Mail on Sunday, Guardian and the Melody Maker. He became a freelance creative writer in the advertising...
Leslie Cavendish

Leslie Cavendish

Leslie Cavendish Biography Leslie Cavendish was born in East London and grew up in a large Jewish family in Burnt Oak, North London. He was apprenticed to Vidal Sassoon in 1962, becoming a stylist in his own right three years later. He became Paul McCartney’s...
Alan M Fildes

Alan M Fildes

Alan M Fildes Biography Having studied Egyptology and Ancient History for over 30 years, i specialise in the Old and Middle Kingdom Pyramid sites and their related mastaba fields. As part of my research into official titles of the Old Kingdom i am compiling a corpus...

Michelle Green

Michelle Green Biography I’m a British-Canadian writer and spoken word artist. I’ve performed at many festivals and live events across the UK and beyond, solo and in collaboration with other writers, musicians and visual/digital artists. I have most...